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final fantasy 7
Battle Menu Modifier
1st Character
(1.99) 8009D898:00?? - 1st slot
(1.99) 8009D89E:00?? - 2nd slot
(1.99) 8009D8A4:00?? - 3rd slot
(1.99) 8009D8AA:00?? - 4th slot
(1.99) 8009D8B0:00?? - 5th slot
(1.99) 8009D8B6:00?? - 6th slot
(1.99) 8009D8BC:00?? - 7th slot
(1.99) 8009D8C2:00?? - 8th slot

2nd Character
(1.99) 8009DCD8:00?? - 1st slot
(1.99) 8009DCDE:00?? - 2nd slot
(1.99) 8009DCE4:00?? - 3rd slot
(1.99) 8009DCEA:00?? - 4th slot
(1.99) 8009DCF0:00?? - 5th slot
(1.99) 8009DCF6:00?? - 6th slot
(1.99) 8009DCFC:00?? - 7th slot
(1.99) 8009DD02:00?? - 8th slot

3rd Character
(1.99) 8009E118:00?? - 1st slot
(1.99) 8009E11E:00?? - 2nd slot
(1.99) 8009E124:00?? - 3rd slot
(1.99) 8009E12A:00?? - 4th slot
(1.99) 8009E130:00?? - 5th slot
(1.99) 8009E136:00?? - 6th slot
(1.99) 8009E13C:00?? - 7th slot
(1.99) 8009E142:00?? - 8th slot

00 - Left
01 - Attack
02 - Magic
03 - Summon
04 - Item
05 - Steal
06 - Sense
07 - Coin
08 - Throw
09 - Morph
0A - D. Blow
0B - Mani.
0C - Mime
0D - E. Skill
0E - All:
0F - 4X:
10 -
11 - Mug
12 - Change
13 - Defend
14 - Limit
15 - W-magic
16 - W-summon
17 - W-item
18 - Slash all
19 - 2X cut
1A - Flash
1B - 4X-cut

*Look!: To use all 8 spaces you have to already have double-sized menu on that character.


(1.99) 800F83C6:0001 - Auto Win.I don't particularly like this but you may. When you go into a
battle (even bosses) your characters automatically
do thier victory dance and you win!But,yes there is a but,unfortunatley, u don't get any
Gil,XP,Gp,Ap, or items, but I have codes for all of THEM!!!

(1.99) 8009D3EA:???? - Speed Coaster Score modifier... can't tell during game but shows up on
final score. Don't
go past 32,767 (7FFF) or it won't count.It's hard to explain.

(1.99) 30116275:0001 - Always fight bosses.You also fight Yuffie!!
(1.99) 80116274:0??? - Enemy modifier!!! (Some enemies you may have to turn off gameshark
before your
characters appear or it will freeze) Hex: 0000 - 03E4

(1.99) 80116274:03D4 - Always fight Diamond weapon!!

(1.99) 80116274:03D6 - Always fight Ruby weapon!!

(1.99) 80116274:03D8 - Always fight Emerald weapon

(1.99) 80116274:03DE - Always fight Ultimate weapon

(1.99) 80116274:03E4 - Always fight the apologizing pyramids(this code is weird, u gotta try it!!!)

(1.99) 80116274:03C0 - Always fight entire chain of monsters from battle square!!!
(1.99) 80074F16:0004 - Unlock Midgar door. Don' t turn code on until your near the door then
just walk in.
Everyone has been asking for a way to get into Midgar on disk 1... here you go.

All the stat codes below work perfect and are savable:

8009C764:270F - 9999 HP for Cloud
8009C766:270F - 9999 max HP for Cloud
8009C768:03E7 - 999 MP for Cloud
8009C76A:03E7 - 999 max MP for Cloud 3009C739:0063 - Cloud level 99
3009C73A:00FF - 255 Strength
3009C73B:00FF - 255 Vitality
3009C73C:00FF - 255 Magic
3009C73D:00FF - 255 Spirit
3009C73E:00FF - 255 Dexterity
3009C73F:00FF - 255 Luck

3009C7C3:0063 - Barret Level 99
3009C7C4:00FF - 255 Strength
3009C7C5:00FF - 255 Vitality
3009C7C0:00FF - 255 Magic
3009C7C1:00FF - 255 Spirit
3009C7C8:00FF - 255 Dexterity
3009C7C9:00FF - 255 Luck

3009C841:0063 - Tifa Level 99
3009C842:00FF - 255 Strength
3009C843:00FF - 255 Vitality
3009C844:00FF - 255 Magic
3009C845:00FF - 255 Spirit
3009C846:00FF - 255 Dexterity
3009C847:00FF - 255 Luck

3009C8C5:0063 - Aeris Level 99
3009C8C6:00FF - 255 Strength
3009C8C7:00FF - 255 Vitality
3009C8C8:00FF - 255 Magic
3009C8C9:00FF - 255 Spirit
3009C8CA:00FF - 255 Dexterity
3009C8CB:00FF - 255 Luck

3009C949:0063 - Red XIII Level 99
3009C94A:00FF - 255 Strength
3009C94B:00FF - 255 Vitality
3009C94C:00FF - 255 Magic
3009C94D:00FF - 255 Spirit
3009C94E:00FF - 255 Dexterity
3009C94F:00FF - 255 Luck

3009C9CD:0063 - Yuffie Level 99
3009C9CE:00FF - 255 Strength
3009C9CF:00FF - 255 Vitality
3009C9D0:00FF - 255 Magic

3009C9D1:00FF - 255 Spirit
3009C9D2:00FF - 255 Dexterity
3009C9D3:00FF - 255 Luck

3009CA51:0063 - Cait Sith Level 99
3009CA52:00FF - 255 Strength
3009CA53:00FF - 255 Vitality
3009CA54:00FF - 255 Magic
3009CA55:00FF - 255 Spirit
3009CA56:00FF - 255 Dexterity
3009CA57:00FF - 255 Luck

3009CAD5:0063 - Vincent Level 99
3009CAD6:00FF - 255 Strength
3009CAD7:00FF - 255 Vitality
3009CAD8:00FF - 255 Magic
3009CAD9:00FF - 255 Spirit
3009CADA:00FF - 255 Dexterity
3009CADB:00FF - 255 Luck

3009CB59:0063 - Cid Level 99
3009CB5A:0063 - 255 Strength
3009CB5B:00FF - 255 Vitality
3009CB5C:00FF - 255 Magic
3009CB5D:00FF - 255 Spirit
3009CB5E:00FF - 255 Dexterity
3009CB5F:00FF - 255 Luck

800E5674:0004 - Gold chocobo - It doesn't work on wild chocobo Just turn it onwhen your on the
chocobo and turn it off before leaving the map... it may not change colors but it still has its
abilities.(like walking on water for example)

8009BC4E:0400 - Gold chocobo....Same thing basically(it might not glitch like the other

8009D2DC:FFFF - Start with normal Chocobo..It comes back after any battle WHATSOEVER!

Here is a few miscellaneous codes that I have found....

800E5672:0004 - Huge on the map.. same size as you would be inside

800E5670:0004 - Huge chocobo...it looks like cloud is...try it... dont forget to change views and get
off the chocobo...
heh heh

800F8408:03E7 +
800F840A:03E7 +
8009D860:03E7 +
8009D862:03E7 -
Slot 1 - True infinite MP (works in battle and out)

800F8470:03E7 +
800F8472:03E7 +
8009DCA0:03E7 +
8009DCA2:03E7 -
Slot 2 - True infinite MP (works in battle and out)

800F84D8:03E7 +
800F84DA:03E7 +
8009E0E0:03E7 +
8009E0E2:03E7 -
Slot 3 - True infinite MP (works in battle and out)

8009D2A4:FFFF - Always have PHS (Don't use it until you have 3 people to choose from... also
having characters your not supposed to have causes glitches)

3009D645:00?? + 3009D641:00?? -
Map warp... just save as soon as you enter the map after coming out of Midgar
(don't move) If you are already past Midgar just go back and come out and save... that's only for
the codes
below. If you want to play with it just try it anywhere (where it warps you seems to change when
you move very
far) and fool around with the ??'s until you end up where you want to be.

3009D645:0005 +
3009D641:003F -
Outside chocobo sage's house... ahhhh!!!!!....stranded!!!!!

3009D645:0052 +
3009D641:005F -
Outside Bone village

3009D645:004F +
3009D641:007C -
Outside of the forgotten capital

8009D2A6:0000 - Save anywhere

8009d7dc:FFFF - 65535 AP after battle

8009d260:FFFF - Infinite Gil

8009D7D8:FFFF + 8009D7DA:00FF - Level 99 after one battle

8009D7D8:E0FF + 8009D7DA:05F5 - 99999999 xp after battle

8009D7DC:E0FF + 8009D7DE:05F5 - 99999999 ap after battle

8009D260:E0FF + 8009D262:05F5 - 99999999 gil (inf)

801FFDD6:0100 + 8009D7DA:0100 - All characters to level 99 (don't turn code on until battle is

8009C75A:0FFF - All limit breaks for Cloud

8009C862:0FFF - All limit breaks for Tifa

8009C7DE:0FFF - All limit breaks for Barret

8009C9EE:0FFF - All limit breaks for Yuffie

8009C96A:0FFF - All limit breaks for Red XIII

8009C8E6:0FFF - All limit breaks for Aeris

8009CB7A:0FFF - All limit breaks for Cid

8009CAF6:0FFF - All limit breaks for Vincent

8009CA72:0FFF - All limit breaks for Cait Sith

8009D85C:1E61 + 8009D85E:1E61 - 1st slot has 7777 hp which gives him/her lucky 7777 fever

8009DC9C:1E61 + 8009DC9E:1E61 - 2nd slot has 7777 hp which gives him/her lucky 7777 fever

8009E0DC:1E61 + 8009E0DE:1E61 - 3rd slot has 7777 hp which gives him/her lucky 7777 fever

800F5E6A:00FF - 1st character has limit break every turn

800F5E9C:00FF - 2nd character has limit break every turn

800F5ED2:00FF - 3rd character has limit break every turn

800F5BBC:FFFF - Time bar always full Slot 1

800F5C00:FFFF - Time bar always full Slot 2

800F5C44:FFFF - Time bar always full Slot 3

8009D264:???? - Time modifier (for example 0000 resets timer to zero)

80011634:0000 - Time Stop

8009D264:0000 - Another TimeStop Code...

8009CE62:0100 - Max out materia in first slot

8009D3D2:270F - 9999 gp

8009D3D8:C350 - 50000 battle points

The character codes put them in the third slot. Don't have someone in third slot or it will cause
problems. Also
you should turn the code off and use phs to switch between characters to work out bugs.

8009CBDE:FF00 - Have Cloud

8009CBDE:FF01 - Have Barret

8009CBDE:FF02 - Have Tifa

8009CBDE:FF03 - Have Aeris

8009CBDE:FF04 - Have Red XIII

8009CBDE:FF05 - Have Yuffie

8009CBDE:FF06 - Have Cait Sith (sometimes young Cloud)

8009CBDE:FF07 - Have Vincent (sometimes Sephiroth)

8009CBDE:FF08 - Have Cid

8009CBDE:FF09 - Have young Cloud

8009CBDE:FF0A - Have Sephiroth

8009CBDE:FF0B - Have Chocobo(fake)

8009CBDE:FF0C - Have Nau Purintingu(fake)

8009CBDE:FF0C - Have Nau Purintingu(fake)

8007173C:0000 - No random battles

8011627C:0000 - No random battles on map

8009D2C8:FFFF + 8009D2CA:FFFF - Most key items.....actually, they are fake, so,it's useless/

Only have following codes on during battle

800F840C:270F - Slot 1 - Auto HP replenish

800F8474:270F - Slot 2 - Auto HP replenish

800F84DC:270F - Slot 3 - Auto HP replenish

800F8408:03E7 - Slot 1 - Auto MP replenish

800F8470:03E7 - Slot 2 - Auto MP replenish

800F84D8:03E7 - Slot 3 - Auto MP replenish

800F8410:270F - Slot 1 - Heal more than your max hp during battle (hp resets after battle)

800F8478:270F - Slot 2 - Heal more than your max hp during battle (hp resets after battle)

800F84E0:270F - Slot 3 - Heal more than your max hp during battle (hp resets after battle)

800F840A:2704 - Slot 1 - Items refill more than your max mp

800F8472:270F - Slot 2 - Items refill more than your max mp

800F84DA:270F - Slot 3 - Items refill more than your max mp

800F8408:270F - Slot 1 Magic goes up during battle until it reaches 9999!!!

800F8470:270F - Slot 2 Magic goes up during battle until it reaches 9999!!!

800F84D8:270F - Slot 3 - Magic goes up during battle until it reaches 9999!!!

800F8406:FFFF - Slot 1 Cool Code!! All hits heal you !!! But all heals hit you... no big deal

800F846E:FFFF - Slot 2 All hit's heal you!!! But all heals hit you.

800F84D6:FFFF - Slot 3 All hit's heal you!!! But all heals hit you

300F8407:270F - Slot 1 - Heal by hitting yourself with physical attacks... also some enemy attacks
heal you

300F8406:270F - Slot 1 - Heal by hitting yourself with magic attacks... also some enemy attacks
heal you

800F8402:FFFF - Slot 1 - Magic attacks only take 1 hp off of you

800F8400:FFFF - Slot 1 - Physical attacks only take 1 hp off of you


xxx=location of item in list from
BE0(1st space on list)-E5E(last space on list) only use even numbers as the the 8th letter
BE0, BE2 - E5C, E5E

(as long as you have the gameshark on it's infinite)


Examp. If you want to put a luck source in the last slot on the list then the code would be
If you wanted to move it up one in the list then you would put


000 - Potion
001 - Hi-Potion
002 - X-Potion
003 - Ether
004 - Turbo Ether
005 - Elixer
006 - Megaelixer
007 - Pheonix Down
008 - Antidote
009 - Soft
00A - Maiden's Kiss
00B - Cornucopia
00C - Echo Screen
00D - Hyper
00E - Tranquilizer
00F - Remedy
010 - Smoke Bomb
011 - Speed Drink
012 - Hero Drink
013 - Vaccine
014 - Grenade
015 - Shrapnel
016 - Right Arm
017 - Hourglass
018 - Kiss of Death
019 - Spider Web
01A - Dream Powder
01B - Mute Mask
01C - War Gong
01D - Loco Weed
01E - Fire Fang
01F - Fire Veil
020 - Antarctic Wind
021 - Ice Crystal
022 - Bolt Plume
023 - Swift Bolt
024 - Earth Drum
025 - Earth Mallet
026 - Deadly Waste
027 - M-tenacles
028 - Stardust
029 - Vampire Fang
02A - Ghost Hand
02B - Vagyrisk Claw
02C - Light Curtain
02D - Lunar Curtain
02E - Mirror
02F - Holy torch
030 - Bird Wing
031 - Dragon Scales
032 - Impaler
033 - Shrivel
034 - Eye Drop
035 - Molotov
036 - S-Mine
037 - 8 Inch Cannon
038 - Graviball
039 - T/S Bomb
03A - Ink
03B - Dazers
03C - Dragon Fang
03D - Cauldron
03E - Sylkis Greens
03F - Reagan Greens
040 - Mimett Greens
041 - Curiel Greens
042 - Pahsana Greens
043 - Tantal Greens
044 - Krakka Greens
045 - Gysahl Greens
046 - Tent
047 - Power Source
048 - Gaurd Source
049 - Magic Source
04A - Mind Source
04B - Speed Source
04C - Luck Source
04D - Zeio Nut
04E - Carob Nut
04F - Porov Nut
050 - Param Nut
051 - Lasan Nut
052 - Sahara Nut
053 - Luchile Nut
054 - Pepio Nut
055 - Battery
056 - Tissue
057 - Omnislash
058 - Catastrophe
059 - Final Heaven
05A - Great Gospel
05B - Cosmo Memory
05C - All Creation
05D - Chaos
05E - Highwind
05F - 1/35 soldier
060 - Super Sweeper
061 - Masamune Blade
062 - Save Crystal
063 - Combat Diary
064 - Autograph
065 - Gambler
066 - Desert Rose
067 - Earth Harp
068 - Guide Book
(069 - 079 are empty)
080 - Buster Sword
081 - Mithril Saber
082 - Hardedge
083 - Butterfly edge
084 - Enhance Sword
085 - Organics
086 - Crystal Sword
087 - Force Stealer
088 - Rune Blade
089 - Murasame
08A - Nail Bat
08B - Yoshiyuki
08C - Apocolypse
08D - Heaven's Cloud
08E - Ragnorok
08F - Ultima Weapon
090 - Leather Glove
091 - Metal Knuckle
092 - Mithril Claw
093 - Grand Glove
094 - Tiger Fang
095 - Diamond Knuckle
096 - Dragon Claw
097 - Crystal Glove
098 - Motor Drive
099 - Platinum Fist
09A - Kaiser Knuckle
09B - Work Glove
09C - Powersoul
09D - Masterfist
09E - God's Hand
09F - Premium Heart
0A0 - Gatling Gun
0A1 - Assault Gun
0A2 - Cannon Ball
0A3 - Atomic Scissors
0A4 - Heavy Vulcan
0A5 - Chainsaw
0A6 - Microlaser
0A7 - A*M Cannon
0A8 - W Machine Gun
0A9 - Drill Arm
0AA - Solid Bazooka
0AB - Rocket Punch
0AC - Enemy Launcher
0AD - Pile Banger
0AE - Max Ray
0AF - Missing Score
0B0 - Mithril Clip
0B1 - Diamond Pin
0B2 - Silver Barrette
0B3 - Gold Barrette
0B4 - Adman Clip
0B5 - Crystal Clip
0B6 - Magic Comb
0B7 - Plus Barrette
0B8 - Centclip
0B9 - Hairpin
0BA - Seraph Comb
0BB - Behemoth Horn
0BC - Spring Gun Clip
0BD - Limited Moon
0BE - Guard Stick
0BF - Mythril Rod
0C0 - Full Metal Staff
0C1 - Striking Staff
0C2 - Prism Staff
0C3 - Aurora Rod
0C4 - Wizard Staff
0C5 - Wizer Staff
0C6 - Fairy Tale
0C7 - Umbrella
0C8 - Princess Guard
0C9 - Spear
0CA - Slash Lance
0CB - Trident
0CC - Mast Axe
0CD - Partisan
0CE - Viper Halberd
0CF - Javelin
0D0 - Grow Lance
0D1 - Mop
0D2 - Dragoon Lance
0D3 - Scimitar
0D4 - 8Flayer
0D5 - Spirit Lance
0D6 - Venus Gospel
0D7 - 4-point Shurikan
0D8 - Boomerang
0D9 - Pinwheel
0DA - Razor Ring
0DB - Hawkeye
0DC - Crystal Cross
0DD - Wind Slash
0DE - Twin Viper
0DF - Spiral Shuriken
0E0 - Shotgunball
0E1 - Magic Shuriken
0E2 - Rising Sun
0E3 - Oritsuru
0E4 - Conformer
0E5 - Yellow M-phone
0E6 - Green M-phone
0E7 - Blue M-phone
0E8 - Red M-phone
0E9 - Crystal M-phone
0EA - White M-phone
0EB - Black M-phone
0EC - Silver M-phone
0ED - Trumpet Shell
0EE - Gold M-phone
0EF - Battle Trumpet
0F0 - Starlight Phone
0F1 - HP Shout
0F2 - Quicksilver
0F3 - Shotgun
0F4 - Shortbarrel
0F5 - Lariat
0F6 - Winchester
0F7 - Peacemaker
0F8 - 8Buntline
0F9 - Long Barrel R
0FA - Silver Rifle
0FB - Sniper CR
0FC - Shotgun ST
0FD - Outsider
0FE - Death Penalty
0FF - Masamune
100 - Bronze Bangle
101 - Iron Bangle
102 - Titan Bangle
103 - Mythril Armlet
104 - Carbon Bangle
105 - Silver Armlet
106 - Gold Armlet
107 - Diamond Bangle
108 - Crystal Bangle
109 - Platinum Bangle
10A - Rune Armlet
10B - Edincoat
10C - Wizard Bracelet
10D - Adaman Bangle
10E - Gigas Armlet
10F - Imperial Guard
110 - Aegis Armlet
111 - Fourth Bracelet
112 - Warrior Bangle
113 - Shinra Beta
114 - Shinra Alpha
115 - Four Slots
116 - Fire Armlet
117 - Aurora Armlet
118 - Bolt Armlet
119 - Dragon Armlet
11A - Minerva Band
11B - Escort Guard
11C - Mystile
11D - Ziedrich
11E - Precious Watch
11F - Chocobracelet
120 - Power Wrist
121 - Protect Vest
122 - Earring
123 - Talisman
124 - Choco Feather
125 - Amulet
126 - Champion Belt
127 - Poison Ring
128 - Tough Ring
129 - Circlet
12A - Star Pendant
12B - Silver Glasses
12C - Headband
12D - Fairy Ring
12E - Jem Ring
12F - White Cape
130 - Sprint Shoes
131 - Peace Ring
132 - Ribbon
133 - Fire Ring
134 - Ice Ring
135 - Bolt Ring
136 - Tetra Elemental
137 - Safety Bit
138 - Fury Ring
139 - Curse Ring
13A - Protect Ring
13B - Cat's Bell
13C - Reflect Ring
13D - Water Ring
13E - Sneak Glove
13F - Hypnocrown

Ok,Finally,here is the materia codes.It may be a little tricky to learn, but I think you'll get the hang of
items)It isn't in the game if I haven't listed it.


xxxx=location on list
Use every 4th number for the 8th digit (4th x) (0, 4, 8, C)

CE60 (1st space) - D17C (last space)

CE60 is the first space on the list so if you want to put Enemy skill materia (2C) in the 1st
space on the list the code would be 8009CE60:FF2C and if you wanted to put it in the
second space then you would go up 4.. CE64 so it would be 8009CE64:FF2C... once you
reach CE6C then you change the letter before it up one to CE70 and it continues like that
all the way to the last space D17C.


00 - MP Plus
01 - HP Plus
02 - Speed Plus
03 - Magic Plus
04 - Luck Plus
05 - XP Plus
06 - Gil Plus
07 - Enemy Away
08 - Enemy Lure
09 - Chocobo Lure
0A - Pre-emptive
0B - Long Range
0C - Mega All
0D - Counter Slash
0E - Slash All
0F - Double Cut
10 - Cover
11 - Underwater
12 - HP MP
13 - W-Magic
14 - W-Summon
15 - W-Item
16 -
17 - All
18 - Counter
19 - Magic Counter
1A - MP Turbo
1B - MP Absorb
1C - HP Absorb
1D - Elemental
1E - Added Effect
1F - Sneak Attack
20 - Final Attack
21 - Added Cut
22 - Steal as Well
23 - Quadra Magic
24 - Steal
25 - Sense
26 -
27 - Throw
28 - Morph
29 - Deathblow
2A - Manipulate
2B - Mime
2C - Enemy Skill (with all skills)
2D -
2E -
2F -
30 - Master Command
31 - Fire
32 - Ice
33 - Earth
34 - Lightning
35 - Restore
36 - Heal
37 - Revive

38 - Seal
39 - Mystify
3A - Transform
3B - Exit
3C - Poison
3D - Demi
3E - Barrier
3F -
40 - Comet
41 - Time
42 -
43 -
44 - Destruct
45 - Contain
46 - Full Cure
47 - Shield
48 - Ultima
49 - Master Magic
4A - Choco/Mog
4B - Shiva
4C - Ifrit
4D - Titan
4E - Ramuh
4F - Odin
50 - Leviathan
51 - Bahamut
52 - Kjata
53 - Alexander
54 - Phoenix
55 - Neo Bahamut
56 - Hades
57 - Typoon
58 - Bahamut ZERO
59 - Knights of the Round
5A - Master Summon