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sega dream cast codes

After you enter the Superstar Feature Cheat, chose Team Mo Caps. Redman will be sitting on the Bench at the start of the game but you can substitute him in to the game.

 Superstar Features
Unlock the SegaNet, Mo Cap, and the Sega Sports Teams. All you have to do is go to the Main Menu and select Options, next, select Codes. Enter:
vc (in lower-case letters)
Return to the Main Menu and scroll through the team selections. You'll notice that the new teams were added to you list of available teams.


 Alternate text
Enter “SCRAWL” at the Codes screen.

 Announcer left speechless
When you are playing a game and you manage to get 200 points or over, when the announcers announce what the score is, the leave out yours. So if the score was 203 to 6, the annoucers would just say: "to 6"

 Auto play selection (defense)
Press A (x2) when on defense to have the CPU pick the best defensive play to stop opponent.

 Auto play selection (offense)
Press A (x2) when on offense to have the CPU pick the best offensive play to thwart opponent.

 Boisterous crowd
Select an offensive linebacker then press X before the snap.

 Call for Time Out in Vs. Mode
To call time out in versus mode for players 2,3, or 4 you must use the analog stick to choose the timeout option on the pause menu, not the directional pad. Use the A button as usual to select the option. Once this is done, the directional pad can be used for the rest of the game.

 Extra Attribute Points
In the attribute setting in create-a-player if you move the numbers all the way to 0 and back to the top you will get 1 extra point. Do this for all of them and you will get 10 or 11 extra points.

 Fat players
Enter “LARD” at the Codes screen.

 Hide Your Plays
It is possible when picking your play to not reveal it to your opponent. When you select it with the A button, keep it depressed and search for a dummy play. While it is still depressed you can even push B to get to a different formation. Once you do you can release A and change formations, allowing you to really confuse your opponent.

 High-pitched Commentary
Enter SQUEEKY at the Codes screen.

 Hushed crowd
Select the quarterback then press X before the snap.

 Perfect Kicks Everytime
Whenever you kick the ball, whether it be an extra point, field goal, a kickoff, or just punting. When your team is lining up to kick, hit the B button to select anyone besides the kicker, and your kicker will be controlled by the computer and will kick a perfect kick everytime.

 Sack the Quarterback Every Time
Having trouble sacking the quarterback? Just go under penalties and turn the offsides and neutral zone off. With this done you can sack the quarterback or easily block punts or field goals. Try this code while playing a friend and see how long until he realizes yo're cheating

 Sega Sports teams
Enter “SUPERSTARS” at the Codes screen.

 Slow-motion speed setting
Enter “DEDMAN” at the Codes screen. (Note: The slow-motion game setting is toggled within the “Game Speed” menu.)

 Turbo speed setting
Enter “TURBO” at the Codes screen. (Note: The Turbo setting is toggled within the “Game Speed” menu.)

tomb raider the last reveloution

Dreamcast Cheats

All Weapons: Use the compass to position Lara facing exactly North.** Then go into the inventory screen. Highlight the small med-pack selection, press and hold R and L, then press Y.
Unlimited Ammo: Use the compass to position Lara facing exactly North.** Press L Trigger, R trigger, up, right, up, start. Then press start again.
Level Skip: Use the compass to position Lara facing exactly North.** Then go into the inventory screen. Highlight the load game selection, press and hold R and L, then press Y.

(**NOTE: The compass is on the inventory screen. When Lara is facing due North, the red point on the needle points directly to 'N' and the compass needle turns transparent—at least it does on the consoles and on most PC video cards. If you're having trouble positioning her, try hanging from a ledge or climbing onto a block from the south side. Then press Select (PSX) or Escape (PC/Mac) to enter the inventory screen. If you find that facing north doesn't work, you might try facing EAST instead. I had an e-mail from one raider who says this worked for him with the PC all-weapons cheat.)