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![]() Cheat Code for Poke'mon Gameboy
To get this Pokemon, go to the top of Viridian City. Talk to the old man and answer "No" when he asks if you are in a hurry. After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Fuchsia City. Use Surf and go to Seafoam Island and surf up and down (while in the water) until Clefable appears. It should be at level 137.
Place a level 5 Magikarp at the front of the lineup and allow Ditto transform into it.
To get this Pokemon, go to the top of Viridian City. Talk to the old man and answer "No" when he asks if you are in a hurry. After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Fuchsia City. Use Surf and go to Seafoam Island and surf up and down (while in the water) until Fearow appears.
Fly to Fuchsia City, then use Surf and go to Seafoam Island. Surf up and down until Pokemon "M" appears. Catch it, nickname it, and use one Rare Candy on it to evolve it into Kangaskhan.
The following steps can also be used to easily get a Kangaskhan on the Red version of the game, and may also work in the Blue version. Go to the top of Viridian City. Talk to the old man and answer "No" when he asks if you are in a hurry. After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf to the east part of the island. Make sure you do not go on any grassy area. Keep surfing until a wild "M" appears; it looks exactly like MissingNo. Capture him, then run from battle because it will act as if you did not catch him. He would always be at level 0. Then, give him a Rare Candy or make it at least gain a level. When he gains a level, he will start evolving.
To get Mankey, talk to the old man that tells you how to catch Pokemon. Then, go to the first patch of grass on the way to the Pokemon League. There are many Mankeys at that location.
To get Mewtwo, the rarest of all Pokemon (#150), defeat Pokemon League, and enter the cave in Cerulean city. Mewtwo is located deep within the cave.
You can only catch a Pikachu in Viridian Forest and the abandoned power plant.
To get this Pokemon, go to the top of Viridian City. Talk to the old man and answer "No" when he asks if you are in a hurry. After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Fuchsia City. Use Surf and go to Seafoam Island and surf up and down (while in the water) until Sandslash appears. It should be at level 27 or 37.
Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo
You must have a Haunter at level 60 to capture all of these Pokemon. Put the Pokemon to be captured to sleep, then use Night Shade to weaken them. Finally, use an Ultra Ball. Hold A until the ball opens, then let it go to capture them. If it fails, try the Ultra Ball again at least three times. Note: Articuno is very difficult to capture.
Another strategy is to use a powerful Raichu and Ultra Balls for Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. For Mewtwo, try using Artcicuno first and freeze it with Blizzard and Ice Beam. Then, weaken it with other Pokemon before finishing the battle with a Raichu and Poke Ball.
An easy way to catch the the legendary birds (Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos) is to put them to sleep using Gastly, Haunter or Gengar. Use Dream Eater until they only have a very small amount of energy left. Then, throw Ultra Balls until they are caught.
Rare bird Pokemon locations
Articuno (Seafoam Isle), Moltres (Victory Road), Zapdos (Abandoned power plant).
Blue version Pokemon
The following Pokemon are only found in the Blue version of the game:
Red version Pokemon
The following Pokemon are only found in the Red version of the game:
Highest abilities
1-3 Solar Beam
4-6 Fire Spin
7-9 Hydro Pump
10 String Shot
11 Harden
12 Psybeam
13 See 10
14 See 11
15 Agility
16-18 Mirror Move
19-20 Super Fang
21-22 See 15
23-24 Acid
25 Thunder
26 Thunder Wave
27-28 Fury Swipes
29-30 Double Kick
31 Body Slam
32-33 See 29-30
34 Thrash
35 Light Screen
36 Metronome
37 See 4-6
38 Roar
39 Double-Edge
40 Double Slap
41-42 Haze
43-45 See 1-3
46-47 Growth
48-49 Psychic
50-51 Earthquake
52-53 Slash
56-57 See 7-9
58 Flamethrower
59 Take Down
60-61 See 7-9
62 Water Gun
63 Teleport
64-65 Reflect
66-68 Submission
69-70 Slam
71 Sleep Power
72-73 See 7-9
74-76 Explosion
77-78 See 15
79-80 Psychic
81-82 Screech
83 Slash
84-85 See 15
The remainder are the same attacks listed above.
Hints, tips, and tricks
Missingno Pokemon
The North American version of the game contains the following glitch Pokemon, which is obtained by using these steps. Go to Cinnabar Island. Enter into the building where the man makes Pokemon out of fossils. Enter the first room in the building with people that want to trade Pokemon. Trade with one of these people; it does not matter which one. Go back outside and move to the far right side of the building. Then, surf up and down the side of the island while half on land and half in the water. Keep surfing until challenged by a glitch that resembles a microchip or barcode. He is part bird and part water type and starts on level 80. Note: Obtaining Missingno can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game. Store the Missingno Pokemon in Bill's PC. It will eventually turn into a Rhydon.
Pokemon "M"
Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man. When he asks if you are in a hurry, answer "No". After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf on the side of Cinnabar that faces the Seafoam Islands to find the Pokemon "M". You may also find level 132 Mewtwos and Alakazams. Note: Obtaining "M" can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that "M" be released unless you are just experimenting with the game. By using this trick, you also have a very rare chance of getting Mew.
Infinite items
To get 99 of any item, first put the item to be multiplied in the sixth slot. Then, fly to Viridian City. Talk to the old man almost all the way north of the town. When he asks if you are in a hurry, answer "No". After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Fuchsia City. Make your way south, then when you reach the water's edge, use Surf and go to Seafoam Island. After arriving, swim up and down the beach until running into Pokemon "M". Then, defeat "M" or run away, but do not catch him. You should now have 99 of your sixth item. Note: You can do this trick as many times as desired, and "M" can be caught again. Instead of having to fly back to Viridian City to do the trick over again (if duplicating more than one item), the items may be switched if you stay in the water. Additionally, instead of "M" a level 128 Starmie (Red Version) or Snorlax (Blue Version) may appear.
Find the Missingno Pokemon and defeat him. Then a design will appear in your sixth item. Deposit your sixth item individually until it totals 99. You can divide the items by fifty. If a no more room message appears, just withdraw an item and keep depositing the sixth item. Check the CPU when this is complete to find two groups of 99 of the same item.
Infinite money
For infinite money, place a gold nugget in the sixth item slot and get 99 of them by using the "Infinite items" trick. Sell all except one to increase your money. Use the remaining gold nugget to repeat this procedure. Go to any Pokemart and sell the nuggets until you have 999,999 coins. Go to Celadon City and go to the Game Corner. Go inside and talk to the man at the counter, who is on the right of the counter. He will ask you if you need coins. Say yes. He will give you 50 coins. Continue until you have about 7,000 coins. Now you can buy any item or Pokemon in the Prize Exchange house.
Quickly raise Pokemon levels
Use the "Infinite items" trick with Rare Candy. Once duplicated, use the Rare Candys on all your Pokemon that are at very low levels to quickly increase them. Note: The highest level possible is 100.
Strong Pokemon
Use the "Infinite items" trick after getting 1 Protein, Iron, Carbos, and Calcium at Celadon City. Put Protein in the sixth spot, duplicate it, then repeat with Iron and the rest of the items. Use them on your Pokemon to pump them up.
Catch Pokemon easier
Use the "Infinite items" trick and duplicate the Master Ball. Then, use the Master Ball on all the Pokemon that you do not have to quickly capture.
Save money
Instead of repeatedly paying to get in the Safari Zone, save the game after entering. Then, instead of paying again, just turn off the Game Boy and turn it back on.
More than one Rare Candy item slot (Blue version)
Note: This code requires six badges, Fly, Cut, Surf, and may only be done after the Elite 4 are defeated. Use the "Infinite items" trick with Rare Candy. Then, fly to Cerulean City and go to the end of the Nugget Bridge. Turn left to where there is a long strip of grassy area bordered by water. Then, surf through the water path to the hidden dungeon. Fight various Pokemon and find a Rare Candy, then save the game. Turn off the game, then load the previously saved game. Tight another Pokemon or two, then press Start, go to items, two slots of Rare Candy should appear. Note: This trick may not work every time, and may also be done on Victory Road.
Old man on roof
Step to the right of the door at the gym where you get the Volcano Badge. You should be on the edge of the water. Use Lapras to surf out into the water. Then, come back in and go to the door. The game will say that the door is locked. Look on the roof to find an old man.
Teleporting old man
This trick is similar to the old man on roof trick. Go into Celadon City. Store your bike on the PC, then go to the building that leads to Cycling Road. When you try to go past the guard, he will tell you that no pedestrians are allowed on Cycling Road. While he is telling you this, look at the wall behind him. The old man will be on top of the wall. When you move back by one little square, go down toward the stairs and try to get past the guard again. He will tell you the same thing again, and this time the old man will be a little to your left.
Phantom PC
Go to the hotel in Celadon City. Move to the upper right corner. Stand just in front of the upper right hand corner, just like in the Pokemon Centers. Then, press A to access the PC.
Catch all 150 Pokemon. Then, talk to the man in the Celedon Mansion's Game Freak corner (the man that is not using the computer). He will give you a surprise diploma.
Easy experience
Trade all the Pokemon in your team to a friend, then trade them back. They will now earn 1.5 times the experience points in battles.
An easy way to earn experience for a weaker Pokemon is to put your lowest-level Pokemon at the top of your list. Then when a fight begins, it will be the first Pokemon released. Instead of fighting, just switch to a stronger Pokemon. The weaker Pokemon will share the experience from the battle without being put in any danger. This is a good way to make your Pokemon gain experience evenly.
You can get high experience points by using the Exp. All. Deposit the other Pokemon in the poke box in a pokemon center. Then, simply go defeat a Pokemon. The experience will multiply itself by two, therefore giving the Pokemon double experience.
Winning money in Celadon City
Enter Celadon City and get the coin case from the man in the back of the diner. Go to the slots and ask for some free coins. You will use these to play the slots and win Pokemon prizes. Here is how to find the slot machine that pays out the most. When you walk in, there are rows of slots. Find the man to the far left that says "wins come and go". Below him is a machine that is out of order. Play the machine directly beneath it. Do not get frustrated if you do not win constantly. If it stops paying out a lot, leave, go train your Pokemon, and come back later. Also try walking around Celadon's Game Corner and repeatedly press A to find coins that people have dropped. Note: This trick works more often in the "Blue" version of the game.
An Abra is hard to catch, but it is worth it. When your Pokemon are weak and you need to get to a Pokecenter quickly, press Start and choose Pokemon. A list of your Pokemon will appear. If you have Abra with you, choose him and select teleport. Note: You have to be outside first; use an escape rope if needed. It will take you directly to the last Pokemon Center visited.
Clone Pokemon
Note: This trick requires another Game Boy and Pokemon game. Trade the Pokemon to be cloned, and have the other player get a Pokemon that he or she does not care about. Trade them, and make sure the player receiving the bad Pokemon can see the other player's screen. When the Game Boy that receives the good Pokemon's displays "Waiting", get ready to shut the other Game Boy off. When the "Waiting" message disappears, turn off the Game Boy that is receiving the bad Pokemon. When the "Trade completed" message appears, turn off the remaining Game Boy. Both games will have the same good Pokemon when they are turned back on. Note: Do not attempt this trick with any saved games you wish to keep, as it can corrupt those files if done incorrectly.
Keep earning money
A great way to keep getting money even after beating all the trainers in the game is to keep beating the Pokemon League 4 and your rival repeatedly. You can beat them an unlimited number of times. This is also useful to build levels quickly.
Fight Safari Pokemon elsewhere
This trick allows you to fight Pokemon from one area of the game in another area. For example, go to the Safari zone and battle for a while. Fight a Tauros, then leave the Safari zone. Then, go to the island where Articuno is found. Swim up and down the shore, at the point where it appears that you are on the ground, but are actually swimming in the water. Monsters from the Safari zone will appear here.
Safari Zone Pokemon
You do not have to see the Pokemon in the Safari Zone to catch them. You can just walk into it then back out and have a chance of getting Pokemon.
Infinite chances to catch rare Pokemon
First, find a rare Pokemon such as Mewtwo. Then, immediately before entering a battle with it, save the game. Now you can battle the Pokemon without worrying about not catching it. If you make a mistake and make it faint, stop and shut off the game. Then, turn on the game and use the continue option to restart just before the battle.
Infinite time for Safari Zone (Water Pokemon only)
This trick allows an unlimited amount of time in the Safari Zone to catch Water Pokemon. Obtain a good or super rod. Next, go to the Safari Zone and find some water. Then, go into inventory and use the rod to start fishing. If a "Not even a nibble" message appears, press A, then quickly press Start. If you got into a fight, check the Pokemon out. If it is one you do not have, catch it then quickly press Start after the battle. Return to the inventory and fish again. If you already have this Pokemon, run from it, then quickly press Start and begin fishing again. This will help you catch some good Water Pokemon with plenty of time.
Quick Safari Zone captures
Go to the Safari Zone and use up your time in the different areas. Once the PA removes you from the hunt, fly to Cinnabar Island and surf half on land and in the water on the side facing Seafoam Island. In a short amount of time, you will be able to capture all of the Pokemon from Safari Zone.
Fish forever
In the Safari Zone, the 500 units that are allocated when entering are based on number of steps, not time spent. You can fish forever in the park if you go to water and not move the entire time that you are fishing.
Fishing for good Pokemon
This trick requires the Blue version of the game, a super rod, and five badges. Go fishing in the Pokemon HQ building. To reach the building, use the path west of Viridian City (route 22). Once inside, some annoying gaurds will ask if you have certain badges. You will eventually reach an indoor pool/lake that must be crossed on a Pokemon that knows Surf. Go fishing here to eventually catch Slowbro, Psyduck, Kingler, Seadra, and Seaking. Additionally, a Ditto may be caught in the grass across from the lake.
Catching Water Pokemon
Stand in front of any statue of a gym and use the rod to catch Water Pokemon.
Better chance to capture Pokemon
When you throw a Poke Ball, hold A as it closes in on the Pokemon. The Poke Ball will shut tighter, making it easier to catch the Pokemon. Throw any kind of ball while pressing A + Select to have it act like a Master Ball or Ultra Ball.
When using any kind of Poke Ball (except the Master Ball), enter a battle and prepare to throw it at a Pokemon. As soon as it appears, hold Up + B. The Ball will become a Master Ball and catch the Pokemon. Note: This trick requires precise timing.
Catch Pokemon at level 15
Press Start, A, B (requires precise timing) to catch a Pokemon at level 15 with the Poke Ball.
Harder hitting attacks
While attacking, hold A to do more damage.
Get all three beginning monsters at Professor Oak's lab
Note: Another Game Boy with the game and a link cable are required for this trick. Transfer your Pokemon to the other Game Boy. Begin a new game on the original Game Boy and get a monster that was not collected in the first game and transfer it to the other Game Boy. Repeat this step again, then transfer the monsters back to the original Game Boy. This allows your game to have the three starting Pokemon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle) plus any others that were already captured.
Get level 100 and over Pokemon
Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man. When he asks if you are in a hurry, answer "No". After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf on the side of Cinnabar that faces the Seafoam Islands. In addition to the Missingno Pokemon, regular Pokemon over level 100 will be encountered. Note: After any Pokemon over level 100 gains any experience points, it will drop to level 100. You can raise the Pokemon with Rare Candy up to level 255. After that, they return to level 0.
High level Pokemon sightings
At times Pokemon over level 100 will appear in the game. The following types have been seen at those high levels: Nidorino, Golduck, Electrode, Snorlax, Magnaton, Starmie, Mewtwo, Marowak, Goldeen, and Mew (when surfing up and down Cinnabar Island).
Go on Cycling Road without a bicycle
Walk up as far as you can in the building to Cycling Road. Walk forward and the guard will say that you cannot go on cycling road without a bicycle. While he is saying that, hold Left and quickly press B several times until you are across from the guard.
Using the Poke Flute
The Poke Flute can also be used to wake up sleeping Pokemon during battles, saving money from buying extra Awakenings.
Using the Item Finder
The item finder is only useful if you know where to look. Try dead end and secluded areas as well as the underground tunnels.
Dig advantage
Dig is very effective against Ghost and Psychic Pokemon.
Finding Pokemon in grass
You can cut down the grass you catch Pokemon in by using the Cut move.
Kakuna and Metapod
Catch a wild Kakuna or Metapod. Put them to the day care center near Cerulean City. Wait for them to increase at least one level up. Then, pick them up and they will have the same attacks as their former evolutionary stage, but not harden.
Rare Pokemon
You can catch evolved forms of rare Pokemon in the Unknown Dungeon (where you get Mewtwo). This includes Wigglytuff, Arbok, Sandslash, Venomoth, Kadabra, Parasect, Raichu, Hypno, Magneton, Dugtrio, Marowak, and Electrode.
Evolution has good and bad points. Good: Pokemon gain higher stats; you complete your Pokedex faster; useless Pokemon get much more effective (Magikarp into Gyarados). Bad: Pokemon learn attacks slower (Squirtle learns Hydro pump at level 42, Wartortle at level 47, and Blastoise at level 52, ten levels longer than Squirtle).
Stopping evolution
At the evolve screen, press B.
All Pokemon (Game Boy emulators)
Have any Pokemon saved game inside the "battery" folder (e.g. PokeRed.sav). Then, rename the saved file to the opposite version (e.g. PokeBlue.sav). Run the emulator and catch all the blue version Pokemon. Rename the saved file to the original name (e.g. PokeRed.sav). You should now have the Pokemon from the other version of the game.
Catch Mew (Japanese version)
Catch all 150 Pokemon. There is a man in Celadon City in the building where Eevee was found that gives you a very special Pokemon. He is located by taking the path that leads behind the buildings at the farthest north point of the city. There will be a secret door in the building that is off set from the row. Climb the stairs to find a group of people working on computers, when the building is entered from the front. Talk to the man that is not working on a computer to catch Mew.
Go to Shion Town and change your Koiking's nickname to "Mew". Highlight the thirteenth tool on the tool screen and press Select(8). Attempt to change your Koiking's nickname again to any name. The monster will flash, but the name will remain the same. Then, Mew will now be available.
Have at least fifteen items and a water Pokemon at the top. Go to any grassy area and highlight the thirteenth item and press Select. Get in any fight and run away, and you should have Mew.
All Pokemon (Japanese version)
Note: This code requires two Game Boys, a link cable, and the red and blue versions of the game. Begin a game and find your first monster. Locate the Charmanders field and capture one of them. Link both Game Boys and rapidly and repeatedly use the "Trade" option. All 150 monsters should now be available.
Raise your Pokemon to level 100 (Japanese version)
Go to the seventh item in "Tools" and press Select. Get into a fight, then press Select on the attack you dislike to change it. Note: The monster must have all four attack spaces filled. Win the fight. Then your monster will become level 100 and will enter the next stage of its life, if available.
![]() Clefable
To get this Pokemon, go to the top of Viridian City. Talk to the old man and answer "No" when he asks if you are in a hurry. After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Fuchsia City. Use Surf and go to Seafoam Island and surf up and down (while in the water) until Clefable appears. It should be at level 137.
Place a level 5 Magikarp at the front of the lineup and allow Ditto transform into it.
To get this Pokemon, go to the top of Viridian City. Talk to the old man and answer "No" when he asks if you are in a hurry. After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Fuchsia City. Use Surf and go to Seafoam Island and surf up and down (while in the water) until Fearow appears.
Fly to Fuchsia City, then use Surf and go to Seafoam Island. Surf up and down until Pokemon "M" appears. Catch it, nickname it, and use one Rare Candy on it to evolve it into Kangaskhan.
The following steps can also be used to easily get a Kangaskhan on the Red version of the game, and may also work in the Blue version. Go to the top of Viridian City. Talk to the old man and answer "No" when he asks if you are in a hurry. After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf to the east part of the island. Make sure you do not go on any grassy area. Keep surfing until a wild "M" appears; it looks exactly like MissingNo. Capture him, then run from battle because it will act as if you did not catch him. He would always be at level 0. Then, give him a Rare Candy or make it at least gain a level. When he gains a level, he will start evolving.
To get Mankey, talk to the old man that tells you how to catch Pokemon. Then, go to the first patch of grass on the way to the Pokemon League. There are many Mankeys at that location.
To get Mewtwo, the rarest of all Pokemon (#150), defeat Pokemon League, and enter the cave in Cerulean city. Mewtwo is located deep within the cave.
You can only catch a Pikachu in Viridian Forest and the abandoned power plant.
To get this Pokemon, go to the top of Viridian City. Talk to the old man and answer "No" when he asks if you are in a hurry. After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Fuchsia City. Use Surf and go to Seafoam Island and surf up and down (while in the water) until Sandslash appears. It should be at level 27 or 37.
Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo
You must have a Haunter at level 60 to capture all of these Pokemon. Put the Pokemon to be captured to sleep, then use Night Shade to weaken them. Finally, use an Ultra Ball. Hold A until the ball opens, then let it go to capture them. If it fails, try the Ultra Ball again at least three times. Note: Articuno is very difficult to capture.
Another strategy is to use a powerful Raichu and Ultra Balls for Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. For Mewtwo, try using Artcicuno first and freeze it with Blizzard and Ice Beam. Then, weaken it with other Pokemon before finishing the battle with a Raichu and Poke Ball.
An easy way to catch the the legendary birds (Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos) is to put them to sleep using Gastly, Haunter or Gengar. Use Dream Eater until they only have a very small amount of energy left. Then, throw Ultra Balls until they are caught.
Rare bird Pokemon locations
Articuno (Seafoam Isle), Moltres (Victory Road), Zapdos (Abandoned power plant).
Blue version Pokemon
The following Pokemon are only found in the Blue version of the game:
Red version Pokemon
The following Pokemon are only found in the Red version of the game:
Highest abilities
1-3 Solar Beam
4-6 Fire Spin
7-9 Hydro Pump
10 String Shot
11 Harden
12 Psybeam
13 See 10
14 See 11
15 Agility
16-18 Mirror Move
19-20 Super Fang
21-22 See 15
23-24 Acid
25 Thunder
26 Thunder Wave
27-28 Fury Swipes
29-30 Double Kick
31 Body Slam
32-33 See 29-30
34 Thrash
35 Light Screen
36 Metronome
37 See 4-6
38 Roar
39 Double-Edge
40 Double Slap
41-42 Haze
43-45 See 1-3
46-47 Growth
48-49 Psychic
50-51 Earthquake
52-53 Slash
56-57 See 7-9
58 Flamethrower
59 Take Down
60-61 See 7-9
62 Water Gun
63 Teleport
64-65 Reflect
66-68 Submission
69-70 Slam
71 Sleep Power
72-73 See 7-9
74-76 Explosion
77-78 See 15
79-80 Psychic
81-82 Screech
83 Slash
84-85 See 15
The remainder are the same attacks listed above.
Hints, tips, and tricks
Missingno Pokemon
The North American version of the game contains the following glitch Pokemon, which is obtained by using these steps. Go to Cinnabar Island. Enter into the building where the man makes Pokemon out of fossils. Enter the first room in the building with people that want to trade Pokemon. Trade with one of these people; it does not matter which one. Go back outside and move to the far right side of the building. Then, surf up and down the side of the island while half on land and half in the water. Keep surfing until challenged by a glitch that resembles a microchip or barcode. He is part bird and part water type and starts on level 80. Note: Obtaining Missingno can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game. Store the Missingno Pokemon in Bill's PC. It will eventually turn into a Rhydon.
Pokemon "M"
Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man. When he asks if you are in a hurry, answer "No". After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf on the side of Cinnabar that faces the Seafoam Islands to find the Pokemon "M". You may also find level 132 Mewtwos and Alakazams. Note: Obtaining "M" can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that "M" be released unless you are just experimenting with the game. By using this trick, you also have a very rare chance of getting Mew.
Infinite items
To get 99 of any item, first put the item to be multiplied in the sixth slot. Then, fly to Viridian City. Talk to the old man almost all the way north of the town. When he asks if you are in a hurry, answer "No". After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Fuchsia City. Make your way south, then when you reach the water's edge, use Surf and go to Seafoam Island. After arriving, swim up and down the beach until running into Pokemon "M". Then, defeat "M" or run away, but do not catch him. You should now have 99 of your sixth item. Note: You can do this trick as many times as desired, and "M" can be caught again. Instead of having to fly back to Viridian City to do the trick over again (if duplicating more than one item), the items may be switched if you stay in the water. Additionally, instead of "M" a level 128 Starmie (Red Version) or Snorlax (Blue Version) may appear.
Find the Missingno Pokemon and defeat him. Then a design will appear in your sixth item. Deposit your sixth item individually until it totals 99. You can divide the items by fifty. If a no more room message appears, just withdraw an item and keep depositing the sixth item. Check the CPU when this is complete to find two groups of 99 of the same item.
Infinite money
For infinite money, place a gold nugget in the sixth item slot and get 99 of them by using the "Infinite items" trick. Sell all except one to increase your money. Use the remaining gold nugget to repeat this procedure. Go to any Pokemart and sell the nuggets until you have 999,999 coins. Go to Celadon City and go to the Game Corner. Go inside and talk to the man at the counter, who is on the right of the counter. He will ask you if you need coins. Say yes. He will give you 50 coins. Continue until you have about 7,000 coins. Now you can buy any item or Pokemon in the Prize Exchange house.
Quickly raise Pokemon levels
Use the "Infinite items" trick with Rare Candy. Once duplicated, use the Rare Candys on all your Pokemon that are at very low levels to quickly increase them. Note: The highest level possible is 100.
Strong Pokemon
Use the "Infinite items" trick after getting 1 Protein, Iron, Carbos, and Calcium at Celadon City. Put Protein in the sixth spot, duplicate it, then repeat with Iron and the rest of the items. Use them on your Pokemon to pump them up.
Catch Pokemon easier
Use the "Infinite items" trick and duplicate the Master Ball. Then, use the Master Ball on all the Pokemon that you do not have to quickly capture.
Save money
Instead of repeatedly paying to get in the Safari Zone, save the game after entering. Then, instead of paying again, just turn off the Game Boy and turn it back on.
More than one Rare Candy item slot (Blue version)
Note: This code requires six badges, Fly, Cut, Surf, and may only be done after the Elite 4 are defeated. Use the "Infinite items" trick with Rare Candy. Then, fly to Cerulean City and go to the end of the Nugget Bridge. Turn left to where there is a long strip of grassy area bordered by water. Then, surf through the water path to the hidden dungeon. Fight various Pokemon and find a Rare Candy, then save the game. Turn off the game, then load the previously saved game. Tight another Pokemon or two, then press Start, go to items, two slots of Rare Candy should appear. Note: This trick may not work every time, and may also be done on Victory Road.
Old man on roof
Step to the right of the door at the gym where you get the Volcano Badge. You should be on the edge of the water. Use Lapras to surf out into the water. Then, come back in and go to the door. The game will say that the door is locked. Look on the roof to find an old man.
Teleporting old man
This trick is similar to the old man on roof trick. Go into Celadon City. Store your bike on the PC, then go to the building that leads to Cycling Road. When you try to go past the guard, he will tell you that no pedestrians are allowed on Cycling Road. While he is telling you this, look at the wall behind him. The old man will be on top of the wall. When you move back by one little square, go down toward the stairs and try to get past the guard again. He will tell you the same thing again, and this time the old man will be a little to your left.
Phantom PC
Go to the hotel in Celadon City. Move to the upper right corner. Stand just in front of the upper right hand corner, just like in the Pokemon Centers. Then, press A to access the PC.
Catch all 150 Pokemon. Then, talk to the man in the Celedon Mansion's Game Freak corner (the man that is not using the computer). He will give you a surprise diploma.
Easy experience
Trade all the Pokemon in your team to a friend, then trade them back. They will now earn 1.5 times the experience points in battles.
An easy way to earn experience for a weaker Pokemon is to put your lowest-level Pokemon at the top of your list. Then when a fight begins, it will be the first Pokemon released. Instead of fighting, just switch to a stronger Pokemon. The weaker Pokemon will share the experience from the battle without being put in any danger. This is a good way to make your Pokemon gain experience evenly.
You can get high experience points by using the Exp. All. Deposit the other Pokemon in the poke box in a pokemon center. Then, simply go defeat a Pokemon. The experience will multiply itself by two, therefore giving the Pokemon double experience.
Winning money in Celadon City
Enter Celadon City and get the coin case from the man in the back of the diner. Go to the slots and ask for some free coins. You will use these to play the slots and win Pokemon prizes. Here is how to find the slot machine that pays out the most. When you walk in, there are rows of slots. Find the man to the far left that says "wins come and go". Below him is a machine that is out of order. Play the machine directly beneath it. Do not get frustrated if you do not win constantly. If it stops paying out a lot, leave, go train your Pokemon, and come back later. Also try walking around Celadon's Game Corner and repeatedly press A to find coins that people have dropped. Note: This trick works more often in the "Blue" version of the game.
An Abra is hard to catch, but it is worth it. When your Pokemon are weak and you need to get to a Pokecenter quickly, press Start and choose Pokemon. A list of your Pokemon will appear. If you have Abra with you, choose him and select teleport. Note: You have to be outside first; use an escape rope if needed. It will take you directly to the last Pokemon Center visited.
Clone Pokemon
Note: This trick requires another Game Boy and Pokemon game. Trade the Pokemon to be cloned, and have the other player get a Pokemon that he or she does not care about. Trade them, and make sure the player receiving the bad Pokemon can see the other player's screen. When the Game Boy that receives the good Pokemon's displays "Waiting", get ready to shut the other Game Boy off. When the "Waiting" message disappears, turn off the Game Boy that is receiving the bad Pokemon. When the "Trade completed" message appears, turn off the remaining Game Boy. Both games will have the same good Pokemon when they are turned back on. Note: Do not attempt this trick with any saved games you wish to keep, as it can corrupt those files if done incorrectly.
Keep earning money
A great way to keep getting money even after beating all the trainers in the game is to keep beating the Pokemon League 4 and your rival repeatedly. You can beat them an unlimited number of times. This is also useful to build levels quickly.
Fight Safari Pokemon elsewhere
This trick allows you to fight Pokemon from one area of the game in another area. For example, go to the Safari zone and battle for a while. Fight a Tauros, then leave the Safari zone. Then, go to the island where Articuno is found. Swim up and down the shore, at the point where it appears that you are on the ground, but are actually swimming in the water. Monsters from the Safari zone will appear here.
Safari Zone Pokemon
You do not have to see the Pokemon in the Safari Zone to catch them. You can just walk into it then back out and have a chance of getting Pokemon.
Infinite chances to catch rare Pokemon
First, find a rare Pokemon such as Mewtwo. Then, immediately before entering a battle with it, save the game. Now you can battle the Pokemon without worrying about not catching it. If you make a mistake and make it faint, stop and shut off the game. Then, turn on the game and use the continue option to restart just before the battle.
Infinite time for Safari Zone (Water Pokemon only)
This trick allows an unlimited amount of time in the Safari Zone to catch Water Pokemon. Obtain a good or super rod. Next, go to the Safari Zone and find some water. Then, go into inventory and use the rod to start fishing. If a "Not even a nibble" message appears, press A, then quickly press Start. If you got into a fight, check the Pokemon out. If it is one you do not have, catch it then quickly press Start after the battle. Return to the inventory and fish again. If you already have this Pokemon, run from it, then quickly press Start and begin fishing again. This will help you catch some good Water Pokemon with plenty of time.
Quick Safari Zone captures
Go to the Safari Zone and use up your time in the different areas. Once the PA removes you from the hunt, fly to Cinnabar Island and surf half on land and in the water on the side facing Seafoam Island. In a short amount of time, you will be able to capture all of the Pokemon from Safari Zone.
Fish forever
In the Safari Zone, the 500 units that are allocated when entering are based on number of steps, not time spent. You can fish forever in the park if you go to water and not move the entire time that you are fishing.
Fishing for good Pokemon
This trick requires the Blue version of the game, a super rod, and five badges. Go fishing in the Pokemon HQ building. To reach the building, use the path west of Viridian City (route 22). Once inside, some annoying gaurds will ask if you have certain badges. You will eventually reach an indoor pool/lake that must be crossed on a Pokemon that knows Surf. Go fishing here to eventually catch Slowbro, Psyduck, Kingler, Seadra, and Seaking. Additionally, a Ditto may be caught in the grass across from the lake.
Catching Water Pokemon
Stand in front of any statue of a gym and use the rod to catch Water Pokemon.
Better chance to capture Pokemon
When you throw a Poke Ball, hold A as it closes in on the Pokemon. The Poke Ball will shut tighter, making it easier to catch the Pokemon. Throw any kind of ball while pressing A + Select to have it act like a Master Ball or Ultra Ball.
When using any kind of Poke Ball (except the Master Ball), enter a battle and prepare to throw it at a Pokemon. As soon as it appears, hold Up + B. The Ball will become a Master Ball and catch the Pokemon. Note: This trick requires precise timing.
Catch Pokemon at level 15
Press Start, A, B (requires precise timing) to catch a Pokemon at level 15 with the Poke Ball.
Harder hitting attacks
While attacking, hold A to do more damage.
Get all three beginning monsters at Professor Oak's lab
Note: Another Game Boy with the game and a link cable are required for this trick. Transfer your Pokemon to the other Game Boy. Begin a new game on the original Game Boy and get a monster that was not collected in the first game and transfer it to the other Game Boy. Repeat this step again, then transfer the monsters back to the original Game Boy. This allows your game to have the three starting Pokemon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle) plus any others that were already captured.
Get level 100 and over Pokemon
Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man. When he asks if you are in a hurry, answer "No". After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf on the side of Cinnabar that faces the Seafoam Islands. In addition to the Missingno Pokemon, regular Pokemon over level 100 will be encountered. Note: After any Pokemon over level 100 gains any experience points, it will drop to level 100. You can raise the Pokemon with Rare Candy up to level 255. After that, they return to level 0.
High level Pokemon sightings
At times Pokemon over level 100 will appear in the game. The following types have been seen at those high levels: Nidorino, Golduck, Electrode, Snorlax, Magnaton, Starmie, Mewtwo, Marowak, Goldeen, and Mew (when surfing up and down Cinnabar Island).
Go on Cycling Road without a bicycle
Walk up as far as you can in the building to Cycling Road. Walk forward and the guard will say that you cannot go on cycling road without a bicycle. While he is saying that, hold Left and quickly press B several times until you are across from the guard.
Using the Poke Flute
The Poke Flute can also be used to wake up sleeping Pokemon during battles, saving money from buying extra Awakenings.
Using the Item Finder
The item finder is only useful if you know where to look. Try dead end and secluded areas as well as the underground tunnels.
Dig advantage
Dig is very effective against Ghost and Psychic Pokemon.
Finding Pokemon in grass
You can cut down the grass you catch Pokemon in by using the Cut move.
Kakuna and Metapod
Catch a wild Kakuna or Metapod. Put them to the day care center near Cerulean City. Wait for them to increase at least one level up. Then, pick them up and they will have the same attacks as their former evolutionary stage, but not harden.
Rare Pokemon
You can catch evolved forms of rare Pokemon in the Unknown Dungeon (where you get Mewtwo). This includes Wigglytuff, Arbok, Sandslash, Venomoth, Kadabra, Parasect, Raichu, Hypno, Magneton, Dugtrio, Marowak, and Electrode.
Evolution has good and bad points. Good: Pokemon gain higher stats; you complete your Pokedex faster; useless Pokemon get much more effective (Magikarp into Gyarados). Bad: Pokemon learn attacks slower (Squirtle learns Hydro pump at level 42, Wartortle at level 47, and Blastoise at level 52, ten levels longer than Squirtle).
Stopping evolution
At the evolve screen, press B.
All Pokemon (Game Boy emulators)
Have any Pokemon saved game inside the "battery" folder (e.g. PokeRed.sav). Then, rename the saved file to the opposite version (e.g. PokeBlue.sav). Run the emulator and catch all the blue version Pokemon. Rename the saved file to the original name (e.g. PokeRed.sav). You should now have the Pokemon from the other version of the game.
Catch Mew (Japanese version)
Catch all 150 Pokemon. There is a man in Celadon City in the building where Eevee was found that gives you a very special Pokemon. He is located by taking the path that leads behind the buildings at the farthest north point of the city. There will be a secret door in the building that is off set from the row. Climb the stairs to find a group of people working on computers, when the building is entered from the front. Talk to the man that is not working on a computer to catch Mew.
Go to Shion Town and change your Koiking's nickname to "Mew". Highlight the thirteenth tool on the tool screen and press Select(8). Attempt to change your Koiking's nickname again to any name. The monster will flash, but the name will remain the same. Then, Mew will now be available.
Have at least fifteen items and a water Pokemon at the top. Go to any grassy area and highlight the thirteenth item and press Select. Get in any fight and run away, and you should have Mew.
All Pokemon (Japanese version)
Note: This code requires two Game Boys, a link cable, and the red and blue versions of the game. Begin a game and find your first monster. Locate the Charmanders field and capture one of them. Link both Game Boys and rapidly and repeatedly use the "Trade" option. All 150 monsters should now be available.
Raise your Pokemon to level 100 (Japanese version)
Go to the seventh item in "Tools" and press Select. Get into a fight, then press Select on the attack you dislike to change it. Note: The monster must have all four attack spaces filled. Win the fight. Then your monster will become level 100 and will enter the next stage of its life, if available.
![]() Buruki
Go to the city with the fourth gym. Then, go inside the second cave, turn to the right and Surf. Go to the top and enter the other cave that is there. Make your way around the mazes and talk to the karate character that is there. Defeat him and to will get Buruki. Note: Make sure you have an open space in your Pokemon holder.
If you want a Pokemon rumored to be a pre-evolution of Dratini (Denryuu), do not try to de-evolve Dratini. Instead, go to the route after Kickyou City towards the Connection Cave, and try to capture the electric sheep, Meripu. Let it grow to level 15. It will evolve into a pink sheep. Train it to level 30 to get Denryuu.
Gold Gyarados
Go to the fourth gym and Surf right all the way. You will Surf in the water, where you should see a Gyarados. Battle it, and it will be golden.
Equip the Metal Coat on Onix and trade it to another GameBoy. It will evolve into Haganal.
Hou-Hou (Gold version)
Go to the city with the fourth gym. Then, go inside the house with another house beside it. Climb up and enter the other big house. Climb up until you get to Hou-Hou.
Hou-Hou (Silver version)
Go to Pewter City and talk to the old man that walks around. He will give you a gold feather. Then, go to the place where Hou-Hou is located in the Gold version to find it.
Give Gloom a Solar Stone and it will evolve into a Kirehana. You cannot evolve Kirehana into Vileplume.
Enter the cave in the second city and Surf. You should be able to see Lapras. Note: There is only one.
Lugia (Silver version)
Learn HM06 (Whirlpool) and go to the place where you received the fifth badge. Destroy a whirlpoor and enter the cave. Go through the maze and you will reach Lugia.
Lugia (Gold version)
Go to Pewter City and talk to the old man. He will give you a silver feather. Then, go to the place where Lugia is located in the Gold version to find it.
Gold Magikarp
Breed the golden Gyarados with a regular Gyarados to get a golden Magikarp.
Silver Ryhorn
Go to the cave where you go to get to the Elite Five. You should encounter a silver Ryhorn.
Three legendary dogs
Go to the city with the fourth gym and enter the big house. Break the rocks and fall down one of the holes to wake them up. Then, go outside and try to find them in the wild.
Defeat the first gym and go into the Pokecenter. Talk to the scientist and he will give you a egg. After 5,000 steps, it will hatch into Togepi.
Equip Symbol Of King on Slowpoke and trade it into another GameBoy. It will evolve into Yadoking.
Female Mr. Mime (Gold version)
Go to Saffron City before fighting Sabrina. Challenge Sabrina to discover that her Mr. Mime is female.
Enjyu City battle (Gold version)
When you go to Enjyu City, go to the tower and your rival will appear, but will not battle. However, if you first heal your Pokemon at the Pokecenter, defeat the Ghost Gym Leader, and then go to that tower, your rival will talk to you and fight.
Monorail ticket
Go to Saffron City and talk to the girl copycat. Fly to Vermilion City and talk to everyone in the house where you received the bike voucher. Someone will give you the Clefairy doll. Take it to the copycat to get the monorail ticket.
Annon Pokedex
First, solve the Kabuto puzzle, which you should know how to get to. The rest will require the HM for Surf, found in Enjyu City, TM 08 (Rock Breaker), and the HM for Strength. Surf down by the Ancient Ruins (below Kickyou City) and solve the puzzle there. The puzzles should be somewhat easy. Just put in the corner pieces first. Then, go to the Connection Cave. Walk around and find the Pokemaniac. If you have not defeated him, fight him. Then, Surf in the waters near him. You will have to return here twice. Break the rock you find, and solve the puzzle. Then return, move the boulder, and solve the last puzzle. Catch the different Annon, then exit the ruins. Talk to the scientist near the cave and he will give you a complimentary Annon Pokedex.
Anno'un Music
While in the Alpha Ruins southeast of Kikyou city go to the Pokegear option in the menu screen. Go to the radio option and on the fourteenth to the twentieth channel you can find a station Called ??????. That is the Ann'oun Music. It can only be heard at Alpha Ruins.
Starting Pokemon (Gold version)
Select one of the following to get your first Pokemon:
Chicorita: a Grass type, like Bulbasaur.
Waninoko: a Water type, like Squirtle.
Hinorashi: a Fire type, like Charmander.
Breeding evolutions
Breed two Pikachus to get Pichu.
Breed two Electabuzzes and you get Eleckid.
Breed two Clefairies and you get Pi.
Breed two Jigglypuffs and you get Pipurin.
Breed two Magmars and you get Magar.
Orange League Trainer tactics (Gold version)
Use the following Pokemon types to battle the indicated Trainer:
Neiteio: Use Psychic or Fire type
Slowbro: Use Psychic type
Neiteio: Use Psychic or Fire type
Jynx: Use Psychic type
Exeggutor: Use Fire type
Araidosu: Use Psychic or Fire type
Venomoth: Use Fire type
Muk: Use Psychic type
Kuroba: Use Psychic or Fire type
Fuoretosu: Use Psychic or Fire type
Kaporea: Use Psychic or Grass type
Hitmonchan: Use Psychic type
Hitmonlee: Use Psychic type
Machamp: Use Psychic type
Onix: Use Grass type
Burakki: Use Psychic or Fire type
Vileplume: Use Fire type
Gengar: Use Psychic type
Yamikarasu: Use Psychic or Fire type
Heruga: Use Psychic or Fire type
Gyrados: Use Grass type
Dragonite: Use Electric type
Dragonite: Use Electric type
Dragonite: Use Electric type
Aerodactyl: Use Grass type
Charizard: Use Water type
Gym Leader tactics (Gold version)
Use the following Pokemon types to battle the indicated Gym Leaders:
Hayato (for Wind Badge)
Pidgey: Use Electric type
Pidgeotto: Use Electric type
Unknown (for Insect Badge)
Metapod: Use Fire type
Kakuna: Use Fire type
Scyther: Use Fire type
Akane (for Normal Badge)
Clefairy: Use Psychic type
Mirutanku: Use Psychic type
Unknown (for Phantom Badge)
Ghastly: Use Psychic type
Haunter: Use Psychic type
Gengar: Use Psychic type
Haunter: Use Psychic type
Unknown (for Shock Badge)
Primeape: Use Psychic type
Poliwrath: Use Grass type
Mikan (for Steel Badge)
Magnemite: Use Fighting type
Magnemite: Use Fighting type
Haganail: Use Fighting type
Unknown (for Ice Badge)
Seel: Use Electric type
Dewgong: Use Electric type
Inomu: Use Electric type
Ibuki (for Raging Badge)
Dragonair: Use Fire type
Dragonair: Use Fire type
Kingudora: Use Fire type
Dragonite: Use Fire type
Lt. Surge (for Orange Badge)
Raichu: Use Fighting type
Magneton: Use Fighting type
Electabuzz: Use Fighting type
Electrode: Use Fighting type
Electrode: Use Fighting type
Sabrina (for Gold Badge)
Mr.Mime: Use Psychic type
Alakazam: Use Psychic type
Eifi: Use Psychic type
Erika (for Rainbow Badge)
Tangela: Use Fire type
Victreebell: Use Fire type
Vileplume: Use Fire type
????: Use Fire type
Anzu (for ?)
Kurobatto: Use Psychic or Fire type
Ariadosu: Use Psychic or Fire type
Weezing: Use Psychic type
Weezing: Use Psychic type
Venomoth: Use Fire type
Brock (for ?)
Graveler: Use Grass type
Onix: Use Grass type
Rhyhorn: Use Grass type
Omastar: Use Grass type
Kabutops: Use Grass type
Blane (for ?)
Magakarugo: Use Water type
Rapidash: Use Water type
Magmar: Use Water type
Gary (for ?)
Pidgeot: Use Electric type
Alakazam: Use Psychic type
Exeguttor: Use Fire type
Rhydon: Use Grass type
Arcanine: Use Water type
Ash Ketchum (Final battle for bragging rights)
Pikachu: Use Fighting type
Efi: Use Psychic type
Blastiose: Use Electric type
Venusaur: Use Fire type
Charizard: Use Water type
Snorlax: Use Fighting type
Faster ball upgrade
When the Pokeball hits the first three lights at the top, press Left to move the light. It can also be moved by pressing A.
Moving Pokemon in Pokedex
Select an unevolved or basic Pokemon, then press Start to watch it move in the Pokedex. Note: This trick only works when the game is played in a Game Boy Color system.
Pokedex record
Enter the Pokedex and press Select to view how many Pokemon have been obtained and seen.
Bonus levels
Bonus levels are unlocked by capturing three Pokemon in the same location without getting a "Game Over" screen or changing to a different location before returning. If this is accomplished a hole marked "Go To Bonus" will appear. Enter the hole to reach the bonus level. The Red pinball machine has a Diglett's Cave bonus level, and the and blue pinball machine has a Meowth's House bonus level.
Mew is a bonus character that is worth a lot of points. In red, go to the Digglett, Gengar, and Mewtwo stages twice. In blue, go to Meowth, Seel, Mewtwo stages twice. Go to Indigo Plateau in map mode. Then go into a get mode to have a 6% chance of Mew appearing. Hit Mew with the Pokeball for the bonus points.
Note: This trick requires a Game Shark cartridge. Enter 919679D5 as a GameShark code and leave the GameShark cartridge off. Start a game and get into a catch 'em mode. Proceed to catch the Pokemon, and when the four "Catch!" lights are lit, get ready to turn on the GameShark. Hit the Pokemon again, and as soon as the ball hits, turn on the Gameshark. A message stating that Mew was caught will appear at the bottom of the screen. Save the game and check the Pokedex. Mew should be there. Return to the game and try to evolve Mew. It does not matter if you are successful, but your Pokedex will return to normal. If you do not, when you press Select to see how many Pokemon have been caught, 151/150 will appear (if you have all other Pokemon).
View program code
Note: This trick requires a Game Shark cartridge. Start the game with the Game Shark and enter the Pokedex screen. Then, press the reset button on the top of the Game Shark to briefly see programmer information about the Pokemon.
Secret Mewtwo bonus stage
Complete both bonus stages in the machine that you are playing. In red field, clear the Digglett and Gengar stages. In blue field, clear Meowth and Seel stages. Then when you catch three more Pokemon or get a chance for another slot, you can reach the Secret Mewtwo bonus stage.
Once in the stage, hit Mewtwo as much as possible. If he is hit enough times, he will stop creating the balls. When this happens, you can hit him three more times to clear the stage. However, do not do this, since it will start the cycle over again. By leaving the Mewtwo stage uncleared, you may keep returning to it and get higher scores.
Evolve Pokemon in the red field
Shoot the Pokeball through the left outside loop. Each time it passes through the loop, one evolution arrow will light. When all three arrows are lit, shoot the ball into the Evolution cave. Then, choose the Pokemon to be evolved.
Evolve Pokemon in the blue field
Shoot the Pokeball through the left loop. Each time the Pokeball passes through the loop, one evolution arrow will light. When all three arrows are lit, shoot your ball into Slowpoke's mouth. Then, choose the Pokemon to be evolved.
Easier way to evolve Pokemon
After entering evolution mode, quickly hit the buttons with the flashing arrows next to them. Do not try to raise Pikachu's lightning meter. The "Ball Saver" will stay lit for awhile. During this time, after hitting a button with a flashing arrow, allow the ball to move below the flippers. After the ball is launched, if the item you are looking for is near the top, you will have a good chance of getting it. Note: If this is attempted, always make sure that the "Ball Saver" is not going to run out.
Special Evolution bonus
Enter evolution mode. Then get the menu and select a Pokemon that has a star. Go through the entire evolution process. After the Pokemon evolves, a special evolution bonus worth 10,000,000 will be awarded.
Double Cave bonus
Light up the letters C, A, V, and E to unlock the Cave bonus, but do not enter. Light up the same letters again, then enter the Cave to collect double the amount of points.
Easy 10 million point bonus
Upgrade your Pokeball all the way to a Masterball by turning on all the lights on the top half of a board. Then, try to upgrade it one more time. This is much easier than having to evolve a Pokemon with a star next to its name.
Easy Pokemon capture
Hit a Voltorb or Shellder, then hold A or B when their shadows appear.
Finding rare Pokemon
On the third ball, light up all the "GET" lights and enter the hole. This will increase the chance that rare Pokemon will appear.
Finding Pokemon
Each Pokemon has a particular location where they like to hide:
Red field
Pallet Town: Charmander, Rattata, Nidoran (M), and Poliwag
Viridan Forest: Weedle, Pidgey, and Pikachu
Pewter City: Spearow, Jigglypuff, Ekans, and Magikarp
Cerulean City: Oddish, Mankey, Jynx, and Abra
Vermilion City Seaside: Shellder, Krabby, Ekans, and Farfetch'd
Rock Mountain: Voltorbe, Diglett, and MrMime
Lavender Town: Gastly, Magnemite, Cubone, Electabuzz, and Zapdos
Cycling Road: Spearow, Doduo, Lickitung, and Snorlax
Safari Zone: Paras, Rhyhorn, and Chansey
Seafoam Islands: Horsea, Staryu, Seel, and Articuno
Cinnabar Island: Ponyta, Growlithe, Omanyte, and Kabuto
Indigo Plateau: Machop, Onix, and Ditto
Blue field
Viridan City: Squirtle, Nidoran (M), and Bulbasaur
Viridian Forest: Caterpie, Rattata, and Pikachu
Mt Moon: Zubat, Paras, and Clefairy
Cerulean City: Bellsprout, Meowth, Jynx, and Abra
Vermilion City Streets: Shellder, Krabby, Farfetch'd, and Sandshrew
Rock Mountain: Diglet, Voltorbe, and MrMime
Celadon City: Mankey, Meowth, Eevee, and Porygon
Fuchsia City: Magikarp, Goldeen, Kangashan, and Exeggcute
Safari Zone: Doduo, Nidoran (F), and Chansey
Saffron City: Ekans, Sandshrew, Hitmonchan, and Hitmonlee
Cinnabar Island: Ponyta, Koffing, Aerodactyl, and Magmar
Indingo Plateau: Geodude, Ditto, Moltres, and Mewtwo
![]() Unlimited energy cards
After you defeat the first person, go and defeat him again and to get a booster pack full of energy cards. You can repeat this trick as needed.
Retry battle
When you have a bad outcome or use a wrong attack in a battle, just turn the system off. This will save the battle, which you can return to and repeat your turn. This is useful when you do not want to lose a Pokemon. Simply allow your opponent to attack, then turn off the Game Boy.
Charizard card
Select the Charmander and Friends deck at the start of the game.
Get different cards from Professor Mason
Save the game before reading the e-mail from Professor Mason. Whenever you get a type of card you do not want, reload the game. The cards will be different when the game is resumed.
Booster packs from Professor Mason
Professor Mason will give you a booster pack after every e-mail he sends you.
Free booster pack
To get a free booster pack, go to your PC.
Energy booster pack
After getting your own deck, go to Sam and offer to play a real duel. You will use the same practice deck and the flow of the game will be the same as during the tutorial. If you win, you will get booster pack full of energy.
Familiar face
When you go to the Psychic Card Club there is a person in green. He is your character in the Red, Blue, and Yellow versions of Pokemon.
Get heads on coin
When the Pikachu coin is spinning right on Pikachu's face, press A. Note: This requires precise timing.
Get tails on coin
Just before the opponent's coin is displayed when battling an opponent, press Up. If done correctly, it will land on tails most of the time.
Walk faster
While walking, hold B to move faster.
Faster card shuffling
Press B if you do not want to wait for the cards to be done shuffling.
Ishihara's disappearance
After you trade Ishihara all the cards she will disappear. Go to the Rock Club and a woman will tell you that Ishihara left.
Imanuki card
Go to each club lounge until you find Imakuni. Then, battle him to get four booster packs for each victory. However, he may instead give you his Imakuni card. Repeat this until you have most of the cards needed to build a healthy deck.
Different cards in Challenge Cup
When you are in the Challenge Cup, save the game after defeating the second to the last opponent. After you defeat the opponent and win a card, if it is one that you already have or do not want, shut off the game and continue from the save. You should be at the very last opponent. After you defeat him there will be a different card than the last time. Note: This may be repeated as many times as needed.
Fire Club trade
To get the Lv.9 promo Slowpoke easier, put all of your energies except one in temporary decks. Then, talk to the boy. He will reveal the location for only one energy.
Finding Mitch's students
In order to fight Mitch of the Fighting Club, you must first defeat his three students. They are all training at different clubs. Jessica is in the Lightning Club, in the room on the left. Chris is in the Rock Club in the same room. The last student, Michael, is in the Grass Club just as you walk in. He will be next to the plant. After you defeat them, they will all return to the Fighting Club.
Grand Masters victory
When you defeat the Grand Masters, go to the deck machine on the top of the screen before you get the cards to build a strong deck. If you do not do this, the game will proceed to the credits and you will have to battle again.
More cards from the Grand Masters
After defeating the four Grand Masters, go back and fight them again to win more cards.
Defeating Ronald
After you defeat the four Grand Masters, you will battle Ronald. He got to the cards one step ahead of you. Ronald's deck already has the four legendary cards, and thus is difficult to beat. Use Hitmonlee's (Lv. 30) Stretch Kick and knock out Ronald's benched Pokemon one by one. This is best done when he has his Kangaskhan on the arena, because he will need three energy cards to retreat. Since this kick does not apply resistance on the benched Pokemon, they can still be hurt even if they have resistance to Hitmonlee (Fighting).
Ronald's revenge
After you get all 228 cards, go to the Challenge Hall and the last person you battle will be Ronald.
Challenge Cup prizes
Go to the top center of the game map to find the Challenge Cup. You can compete in the Challenge Cup located in the Challenge Hall after you obtain your 3rd and 5th medal. If you battle there, you will get a rare card. It is hard to get in, because it is usually closed. Keep on visiting after every battle. If you enter, you will fight three trainers. The third one will be Ronald if you did not complete the game. After you complete the game, Ronald will not appear. These are the cards that you can get:
Mewtwo Lv. 60: The one that comes with the Pokemon VHS
Mewtwo Lv. 60: Obtained if you went to the movies
Mew Lv. 8: Game Boy only
Surfing Pikachu Lv. 13: Game Boy only or Japanese card
Surfing Pikachu Lv. 13: Same as above, but a different number
Flying Pikachu Lv. 12: Game Boy only or Japanese card
Ivy Pikachu Lv. 16: Promo #1
Slowpoke Lv. 9: Game Boy only
Jigglypuff Lv.12: Promo #2 (?)
Pikachu Lv. 16: Obtained if you went to the movies
Electabuzz Lv. 20: Obtained at the movies
Super Energy Retrieval: Game Boy only
Defeating the 8 Club Masters
Gene of the Rock Club: Use a grass and water deck
Amy of the Water Club: Use a lightning and fighting deck
Isaac of the Lightning Club: Use a fighting and colorless deck
Nikki of the Grass Club: Use an all fire deck
Rick of the Science Club: Use psychic and lightning deck
Murray of the Psychic Club: Use a psychic and colorless deck
Ken of the Fire Club: Use a water and fighting deck
Mitch of the Fighting Club: Use a psychic and colorless deck
Card Pop! Specials
The following very rare cards are only obtainable in Card Pop!:
Lv.15 Mew HP 50
1. Mystery Attack (Does a random damage or may cause random effect)
Lv.64 Venusaur HP 100
1. Pokemon Power: Solar Power (Cures both Pokemon from an effect)
2. Mega Drain (Does 40 damage, removes damage equal to half of damage of the defending Pokemon)
![]() Bulbasaur
Bulbasaur can be found at Cerulean City, near the Pokecenter.
Charmander can be found at Route 24 N.W.
Farfetch'd can be found on Routes 12 and 13.
Magnemite can be found in grass before the rock tunnel entrance.
Get the Thunder Badge on the S.S. St. Anne, then go to Vermilion City to find Squirtle.
Arcticuno, Zapdos, and Moltres
When you have reached the mystical bird (Arcticuno, Zapdos, and Moltres), save the game before going into battle. This will allow you to restart if you knock them out or run away.
Pikachu surfing mini-game
Note: The Pokémon Stadium game on the Nintendo 64 is required for this trick. Successfully complete the tournament mode on Pokémon Stadium without using any rented Pokémon. Then, transfer Pikachu to the Pokemon: Yellow Edition cartridge to play the Pikachu surfing mini-game.
Note: This trick requires a Game Shark cartridge. Use the following code to unlock Surfing Pikachu without using Pokémon Stadium. Note: Pikachu must in the first position, then use one of the following codes:
013972D1 (To overwrite the first attack with Surf)
013973D1 (To overwrite the second attack with Surf)
013974D1 (To overwrite the third attack with Surf)
013975D1 (To overwrite the fourth attack with Surf)
This will not glitch the game if you set the switch to normal and turn it to on after the game starts. To play the mini-game, simply travel to the Surfing Guru south of Fuchia City and talk to him.
Another method is to trade Pikachu to a Red version of the game. Use the GameShark code on that version of the game to teach Pikachu Surf. Then, trade Pikachu back to the Yellow version. Travel to the Surfing Guru south of Fuchia City and talk to him.
Printing Pokemon
Your Pokemon can be printed at the Pokemon Club in Vermilion City.
Defeating Brock
Catch a Caterpie in Viridian Forest. Advance it to level 7 and he will evolve into a Metapod. Advance it to level 11 and it will evolve into a Butterfree. Butterfree can beat JR. Trainer and Geodude. Butterfree will have to be at least level 13 before it can beat Brock. Note: Use your Pikachu's tail whip to lower their defense.
Jesse and James locations
To find these team rocket members, go to these locations:
Mt. Moon (before you exit)
Celadon game corner (before you face Giovanni)
Pokemon tower, Lavender Town (before you rescue Mr. Fuji)
Sliph Co. (before facing Giovanni again, and before you get a Master Ball)
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